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99 results for the term de Classification: "Éducation"
Symbolic violence, academic capital and reflexivity : A case-study of post-apartheid curriculum change for teacher education using Bourdieu
Dirk, Wayne Peter
Education et changement social
Wagaw, Aklilu Habte Teshome
Teacher Education : Common Purpose and the Forging of Multiple Publics in South Africa
Hoffmann, Nimi ; de Koc, Tarryn ; McDonald, Zahraa ; Saye, Yusuf
University–Community Relations in Ghana : raditional Authority as a Stakeholder
Agyeman, Edmond A. ; Tamanja, Emmanuel M. J. ; Bingab, Bernard B. B.
Acquiring Pedagogic Authority While Learning to Teach
McDonald, Zahraa ; Sayed, Yusuf ; de Kock, Tarryn ; Hoffmann, Nimi
Democracy and the Discourse on Relevance Within the Academic Profession at Makerere University
Felde, Kronstad ; Halvorsen, Tor
Perspectives in Curriculum Studies
Zama, A ; Endeley, N.
Developing sustainable higher education leadership models in Tanzania
Kessy, J.F. ; Kikula, J.S. ; Kaswamila, A.L. ; Kazimili, B. ; Mmary, B.E.
Rethinking higher education governance in Ghana : Reflections of a Professional Administrator
Effah, Paul
Sharing Knowledge, Transforming Societies : The Norhed Programme 2013-2020
Halvorsen, Tor
Transforming Research Excellence : New Ideas from the Global South
Wallace, Matthew L.
Usages et appropriation des technologies éducatives en Afrique : quelques pistes de réflexion
Karsenti, Thierry
Reflections of South African Student Leaders: 1994 to 2017
Bhengu, Ntokozo
Proverbes none et wolof du Càngin et du Kayoor : Miroir du langage populaire : Tome II
Tine, Alphonse Samba ; une équipe du RENAPOP
Sharing Knowledge, Transforming Societies : The Norhed Programme 2013-2020
Halvorsen, Tor ; Orgeret, Kristin Skare
Higher Education Leadership and Governance in the Development of the Creative and Cultural Industries in Kenya
Akuno, Emily ; Ondieki, Donald Otoyo
Fostering Girl Child Education in Malawi
Mzumara, Cecilia
School Development Through Teacher Research : Lesson and Learning Studies in Sweden and Tanzania
Eriksson, Inger ; Osaki, Kalafunja Mlangía
Reading and Comprehension in the African Context : A Cognitive Enquiry
Kibui, Agnes Wanja
Innovating University Education : Issues in Contemporary African Higher Education
Ssempebwa, Jude ; Neema-Abooki, Peter
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