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18 results for the Classification term: "Marriage and family"
Claire: A Mother's Journey from Infertility to Love
Jager de, Claire
Marriage Gems
Ajayi, Deji
Forced into Adulthood : An Exploration of Psycho-Social Dynamics in Child-headed Households
Muyomi, Bernadette
Arming the Rebels for Development : Parental Involvement among Fishing Communities in Tanzania
Wabike, Paul
Children’s Experiences of Support Received from Men in Rural KwaZulu-Natal
Makusha, Tawanda ; Richter, Linda ; Bhana, Deevia
Where is my Daddy? : An Exploration of the Impact of Absentee Fathers on the Lives of Young People in Botswana
Thupayagale-Tshweneagae, Gloria ; Mgutshini, Tennyson ; Zethu Zerish
Husbands in Wives’ Shoes : Changing Social Roles in Child Care among Cameroon’s Urban Residents
Kah, Henry Kam
From the Will to the Field : Parent Participation in Early Childhood Education in Madagascar
Loomis, Colleen ; Akkari, Abdeljalil
Mothers’ Constructions of their Roles in the Literacy Education of their Children
Anyikwa, Ngozi ; Obidike, Ngozi
Parent-Child Communication on Sexuality-Related Matters in the City of Lagos, Nigeria
Kunnuji, Michael O. N.
Parents’ Involvement in Children’s Lives in Africa
Ntarangwi, Mwenda
Reconnecting African Sociology to the Mother : owards a Woman-centred Endogenous Sociology in South Africa
Magoqwana, Babalwa ; Adesina, Jimi
De quelques aspects jurisprudentiels du divorce en Afrique francophone : Étude à partir du cas du Burkina Faso
Toe, Souleymane
La liquidation judiciaire de la communauté en mariage polygamique au Cameroun
Edimo, François
Nouvelles dynamiques familiales en Afrique
Marcoux, Richard ; Dial, Fatou Binetou ; Calvès, Anne, E.
Martinique : Familles enfants et société
Hilaire, Marie-Michelle
Unions mixtes et métissage dans le monde anglophone
Hanquart-Turner, Évelyne
Éloge du métissage : Récits de femmes en Noir & Blanc
Leblanc, Marie-Thérèse
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