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Choisir une bibliothéque

An Analysis of the Impact of ICT Investment on Productivity in Developing Countries

An Overview of a Regionalist Approach to Tobacco Control in Africa

Carapa procera, femme et économie des ménages

China in Africa: The Soft Power of Media Development

Claire: A Mother's Journey from Infertility to Love

Corruption and Human Rights: Positioning Judicial Activism as an Anti-corruption Strategy in Kenya

Effective Knowledge Transmission and Learning in Agriculture

Hidden processes of reconciliation in Mozambique

Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Financial Performance of SMEs in Nigeria

La durabilité des systèmes halieutiques sénégalais dans un contexte d’exploitation des hydrocarbures

La RSE stratégique dans le secteur minier au Sénéga

L’Afrique et l’économie-monde

L’économie coloniale

L’histoire de l’eau et la dynamique politique, sociale et culturelle du nord du Cameroun

Modernisation minière, fragmentation sociale et création des anormaux en République démocratique du Congo

Mulheres e HIV/SIDA

Repenser la démocratie délibérative en Afrique à l’aune de la palabre africaine

Socioeconomic Characteristics and Satisfaction of Tenants in Public Housing in Lagos, Nigeria

Technology Transfer, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Nigeria

Tendances de la philosophie et de la science en Afrique

The International Criminal Court, Justice, Peace and the Fight against Impunity in Africa

(Mis)Management of Sub-Nationalism and Diversity in "Nations"

10 conseils de vie

100 Papers

18 Safar

1817-1914 Les années d’épreuves

20 ans après la dévaluation : quel avenir pour le franc Cfa?

20 Years of South African Democracy: So Where to now?


2021 African Small Publishers Catalogue


5: Poetry

68, Neige sur Dakar

69 Jerusalem Street

A Basket of Flaming Ashes

A Basket of Kola Nuts

A Blow to the Head

A Book of Rooms


A Casebook on the Law of Succession

A Cat and Mouse Affair

A ciencia ao Servico do Desenvolvimento ?

A Commentary on the Civil Procedure Act

A Comparative Study of Religions

A Comprehensive Tax History of Nigeria

A Concise History of South Sudan

A Contemporary Geography of Uganda

A Dictionary of Popular Bali Names

A Dirty Game

A Fallen Citadel and Other Poems

A Field of Wars

A Fighting Man

A Fine Band of Farmers are We!

A Giant Tree has Fallen

A Grammar of Contemporary Igbo

A Grammar of Igala

A Handbook for Public Prosecutors

A Hat a Kayak and Dreams of Dar

A Heros Magic

A House in Zambia

A Just Transition to a Low Carbon Future in South Africa

A l'affût du matin rouge

A la découverte du village Sèdembom-Bandjoun

À la rencontre de l'Aurès

A la Tete du Client and Fly Over the Crooks Crooked nest

A Leading Pioneer in the Development of The Gambia

A Legacy of Service

A Legend of the Dead

A life looking forward

A Matter of Identity

A Matter of Inclusion

A modern economic history of Africa

A Mulher guineense como sujeito e objecto do debate histórico contemporâneo

a naked bone

A Nose for Money

A Path Through Hard Grass

A Pebble In The River

A Perseverança

A Pile of Mixed Emotions

A Practical Guide to Understanding Ciyawo

A Qualitative Study Teaching Guide

À qui la faute? suivie de La toilette

A Star Out of Prison

A Struggle of sixty-two days

A Sweet-Footed African

A Theology of Mindset Change

A Time to Mourn

A Time to Reconcile


A TroubadourÝs Thread

A Woman’s Broken Wall

A Zambian Journalist: In Pursuit of Three Freedoms

A ‘Chinese’ Street (Un)scripted and (Re)imagined

Abbès Laghrour


Absolute Power and other stories

Abu Mayanja, MP

Abu, le médecin de Nioma

Academic Freedom and the Social Responsibilities of Academics in Tanzania

Accélérer le changement de paradigmes de développement


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