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Acte uniforme portant organisation et harmonisation des comptabilités des entreprises sises dans les États-parties au traité relatif à l'harmonisation du droit des affaires en Afrique (AUCE)

Acte uniforme portant sur le droit commercial général (AUDCG)

Acte uniforme relatif à la médiation

Acte uniforme relatif au droit de l'arbitrage (AUA)

Acte uniforme relatif au droit des sociétés commerciales et du groupement d'intérêt économique (AUSCGIE) 2014

Acte uniforme relatif au droit des sociétés coopératives (AUDSC)

Acte uniforme relatif aux contrats de transport de marchandises par route (AUCTMR)

Actes uniformes

Acteurs et médiations dans la résolution et la prévention des conflits en Afrique de l'Ouest

Adieu Mandela

Adjoba et le Président

Administrative Law in Tanzania

Adoption and impact of OER in the Global South


Aesthetic of Innocence


Affaire « Charlie Hebdo » Quand la liberté d'expression est sélective

Affixation and Auxiliaries in Igbo



Africa - Solo

Africa and development challenges in the new millennium

Africa and the challenge of development

Africa and the challenges of the twenty-first century

Africa and the Disruptions of the Twenty-first Century

Africa and the World

Africa at a Glance: Facts and Figures

Africa at the Crossroads

Africa Focus Debates on Contemporary Contentious Biomedical Issues

Africa in Contemporary Perspective

Africa in Narratives

Africa in the Changing World Development Paradigm

Africa in the Colonial Ages of Empire

Africa Reunite or Perish

Africa Through Structuration Theory

Africa Through Structuration Theory - ntu

Africa's Best and Worst Presidents

Africa's Big Five and Other Wildlife Filmmakers

Africa's Dependency Syndrome

Africa's Growing Role in World Politics

Africa's Political Wastelands

Africa, Human Rights and the Covid-19 Pandemic

Africa: Facing Human Security Challenges in the 21st Century

African academics in Germany

African Belief and Knowledge Systems

African Catholic Priests

African Christianity

African Cultures, Memory and Space

African Customary Law: An Introduction

African Democracy

African Elites and their Post-colonial Legacy

African Feminism and the Recognition of Cohabitation Under Customary Law

African households and prospects for agricultural revival in Sub-Saharan Africa

African Land Questions, Agrarian Transitions and the State

African Land Rights Systems

African Literature and the Future

African Markets and the Utu-Ubuntu Business Model

African Modernities and Mobilities

African Museums in the Making

African Personhood and Applied Ethics

African Philosophy

African Philosophy and Thought Systems. A Search for a Culture and Philosophy of Belonging

African Politics of Survival Extraversion and Informality in the Contemporary World

African Potentials for Wildlife Conservation and Natural Resource Management

African Researchers and Decision-makers. Building Synergy for Development

African Rythmns

African Science Granting Councils

African Short Stories: Vol 2

African Studies in Geography from Below

African Studies in Russia

African Studies in the Academy

African Virtues in the Pursuit of Conviviality

African Visionaries

Africanization and Americanization Anthology, Volume 1

Africans and Negative Competition in Canadian Factories

Africa’s Developmental Impasse

Africa’s Economic Transformation and Global Value Chains

Africa’s Growth and Development Strategies

Afrikki mwinda : Y'en a marre, Balai citoyen, Filimbi et Lucha

Afrikology and Transdisciplinarity

Afrique - Exclusion programmée ou renaissance ?

Afrique aimée, terre de mes peines

Afrique ancienne dévoilée

Afrique Australe : Les situations et ses représentations en littérature

Afrique centrale

Afrique Mélodie

Afrique réaffirmation de notre engagement

Afrique : la démocratie sénégalaise

Afrique : Quels changements après la faillite ?

After 50 Years: The Promised Land is Still Too Far! 1961 - 2011

After Radical Land Reform

After The Tears

after troy

Against the Odds

Against the Tide

Agriculture, élevage & pauvreté en Afrique de l'ouest

Ah! Les femmes...

Ah! Les hommes...

Aid to Africa

Aide et Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement


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