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2248 results for the term de Classification: "Savoirs"
Les luttes de positionnement autour des mosquées en Côte d’Ivoire : Guerres idéologiques, conflits de leadership et de contrôle des fonds
Diomandé, Bourahima
Transcultural Memory in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda War Commemorations
Mwambari, David
Pathways out of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children : The Dissonance Between Interventions and Social Norms
Makaudze, Rejoice ; Tofa, Eliot ; Mushonga, Tichavona
Ways of (De)constructing and Shaping a City : Urban Shifts and Materiality in Dialogue with Global China in Lusaka, Zambia
Dittgen, Romain ; Chungu, Gerald
Radical Regionalism : Feminism, Sovereignty and the Pan-African Project
Salem, Sara
Individuals, Conglomerates, Persons, and Communities
van Stam Masvingo, Gertjan
Covid-19, Pathogénicité des Logiques Nécropolitiques et Persistance de la Colonialité Économique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne
Azétsop, Jacquineau ; Abéga, Martin Ghislain
Economic Decolonisation and the Role of the Central Bank in Postcolonial Development in Tunisia
Rouine, Chafik Ben
Post-Independence Development Planning in Ghana and Tanzania : Agriculture, Women and Nation-building
Britwum, Akua O
The Rocket in the Haystack : Between Nasser’s Developmental Vision and the Neo-Imperialist Mission
Megahed, Kareem
Variations in Postcolonial Imagination : Reflection on Senghor, Nyerere and Nkrumah
Adesina, Jimi O.
Early Post-Independence Progressive Policies : Insights for our Times
Hormeku-Ajei, Tetteh ; Balaji, Aishu ; Olukoshi, Adebayo ; Nayar, Anita
Community Stewardship
Sanjou-Tadzong, Ndeh
Mhlakaza in the Changing Southern Africa
Mhlakaza, A.
Covid-19 and the Dialectics of Global Pandemics in Africa
Mawere, Munyaradzi ; Chazovachii, Bernard ; Machingura, Francis
There Was Another Country
Forje, W.
Patrolling Epistemic Borders in a World of Borderless Pandemics
Nhemachena, Artwell ; Makamani, Rewai
Remember Um Nyobè. Résistance-nationalisme et mémoire
Talla, Mba
Stella Aurorae : Natal University College (1909-1949)
Guest, Bill
Stella Aurorae : The University of Natal (1976 to 2003)
Guest, Bill
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