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2248 results for the term de Classification: "Savoirs"
Dé-mondialiser le secteur minier pour développer l’Afrique
Kasongo, Emmanuel Mungongo
A Mulher guineense como sujeito e objecto do debate histórico contemporâneo : Excertos da história de vida de Teodora Inácia Gomes
Gomes, Patrícia Godinho
Women’s Land Rights and Working Conditions : in Large-scale Plantations in Sub-Saharan Africa
Fonjong, Lotsmart
Engineering our Own Futures : Lessons on Holistic Development from Muslim Women’s Civil Society Groups in Nigeria, Ghana and Tanzania
Wallace, Adryan
I’d rather see a sermon than hear one : Africa/Heaven and Women of the diaspora in creating global futures and transformation
Niaah, Jahlani A. H.
Research Methods and Statistics for Cross-Cutting Research
Matanda, Ephraim
Sustained Terrorism on Africa
Mentan, Tatah
Sovereignty Becoming Pulvereignty
Nhemachena, Artwell ; Mawere, Munyaradzi ; Mtapuri, Oliver
School Based HIV Education Affecting Girls in Selected Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
Charmaine, Musa
HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe
Muvhiringi, K.
A Just Transition to a Low Carbon Future in South Africa
Xaba, Nqobile ; Fakir, Saliem
Zimbabwe : Essays, Non Fictions and Letters
Mwanaka, Rinos
Law of Evidence in Nigeria
Ortuanya, Uchenna
Fo S. A. N Angwafo III Remembered
Angwafo, F. ; Nyamnjoh, B.
Battling Language Rights Governance in Africa
Fossungu, Ateh-Afac
Criminal Law in Nigeria
Atsegbua, Lawrence ; Aigbokhaevbo, Violet ; Daudu, Sunday
1817-1914 Les années d’épreuves : De luttes armées, de renouveau religieux et culturel, de refus de la domination et de consolidation du pouvoir colonial
Thiam, Iba Der ; Ndao, Mor ; Ndao, ElHadj Ibrahima ; Fall, Gana
La tuerie de Thiès : La grève des cheminots du Sénégal du 27 septembre 1938 (7 morts, 125 blessés)
Thiam, Iba Der
La construction historique de l’espace
Rokhaya ; Mané, Mamadou ; Fall, Mamadou
L’histoire du Sénégal du Xème au XXème siècle : Le fer du Numu, la terre des Lamanes, le glaive des rois et le sceau des marabouts
Fall, Mamadou
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