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281 results for the term !Collection:"Education"
Philosophy and african development : Theory and practice
Keita, Lansana
De l'Atlantique à l'océan Virtuel : expériences maliennes (itinéraires des enseignants à travers les TIC)
Touré, Kathryn ; Cissé, Daouda Dougoumalé
Réussite scolaire, Faillite Sociale : Généalogie mentale de la crise de l'Afrique Noire Francophone
Azeyeh, Albert
Zimbabwe's Trajectory
Masunungure, V.
Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of African Linguistics, Buea, 17-21 August 2012 : Volume 2
Atindogbe, Gratien G. ; Chibaka, Evelyn Fogwe
Knell : Ashes.Seppuku
Ropafadzo, Ashely
Environment and Natural Resource Conservation and Management in Mozambique
Mawere, Munyaradzi
Battling over Human Rights : Twenty Essays on Law, Politics and Governance
Oloka-Onyango, J.
Economic Behaviour As If Others Too Had Interests
Tangonyire, Raymond Chegedua ; Achal,Lawrence Kyaligonza
Companion of Life : Poems from Zimbabwe
Mawere, Munyaradzi ; Machinga, Vakai
The House of Falling Women
Ekosso, Rosemary
The Wages of Corruption
Akombi, Sammy Oke
The Akroma File
Asong, Linus
Cry my Beloved Africa : Essays on the Postcolonial Aura in Africa
Vakunta, Peter
Conducting research and mentoring students in Africa
Bangura, Abdul Karim ; Obando, Joy A. ; Munene, Ishmael I. ; Shisanya, Chris
A ciencia ao Servico do Desenvolvimento? : Experiencias de paises africanos falantes de lingua oficial portuguesa
Silva, Teresa Cruze ; Casimiro, Isabel Maria
Gender, Politics and Land Use in Zimbabwe 1980- 2012
Mafa, Onias ; Gudhlanga, Enna S.
Corpses of Unity : An Anthology of Poems
Mala, Nsah
Chinodya, Shimmer
The Status of Student Involvement in University Governance in Kenya : The case of public and private universities
Mulinge, Munyae M. ; Arasa, Josephine N. ; Wawire, Violet
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