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283 results for the term !Collection:"Anthropologie"
Transition Towards Gender Equality
Infrastructures of Migrant Labour in Colonial Ovamboland, 1915 to 1954
Nampala, Lovisa
Iqani, Mehita ; Mbao, Wamuwi
Collaboration in Development
Khosa, Godwin
The Evolving Structure of South Africa’s Economy
Mohamed, Seeraj ; Ngoma, Amuzweni
Open Learning as a Means of Advancing Social Justice
Mayisela, Tabisa ; Govender, Shanali
African Science Granting Councils
Moja, Teboho ; Samuel, Okunade
Let My People Go!
Chifungo, Phoebe
Josephine Mellen Ayer
Ndi, Bill F.
Media and Technology in 21st Century Higher and Tertiary Education in Africa
Tandi, Costain ; Mawere, Munyaradzi
Naming the Land
Taylor, J.
Economic Diversification in Africa
Mogotsi, Imogen ; Namwoonde, Ndateelela
The Dutch Reformed Women's Missionary Movement from the Cape and the Mt Holyoke Connection
Dana, Robert
Victory Over Fear vol1 : Charms, Witchcraft and Worldview in South-Central Malawi
Beaton, Robert
The Political Economy of Heaven and Earth in Ghana
Prempeh, Charles
Leap 4.0. African Perspectives on the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Mazibuko-Makena, Zamanzima ; Kraemer-Mbula., Erika
Africa, Human Rights and the Covid-19 Pandemic : Mitigation Dynamics and their Implications for Human Rights, Freedoms and Civ
Mawere, Munyaradzi ; Duri, James
Nigerian Gods
Otobo, Erubu
Gender, Sexuality and Decolonization in Postcolonial Ghana
Prempeh, Charles
Décoloniser l’inclusion : Panafricanisme et peuples autochtones pygmées d’Afrique
Otya’a, Nathanaël Assam
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