
Issues in Women's Land Rights in Cameroon

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Fonjong, Lotsmart N.

Langaa RPCIG, 2012
Livrel 178p.
(Gender Studies)
ISBN: 9789956727018
This book explores the customary, social, economic political and rights issues surrounding access, ownership and control over land from a gender perspective. It combines theory and practice from researchers, lawyers and judges, each with track records of working on women and rights concerns. The nexus between the reluctance to recognize and materialize women’s right to land, and the increasing feminization of poverty is undeniable. The problem assumes special acuity in an essentially agrarian context like Cameroon, where the problem is not so much the law as its manner of application. That this book delves into investigating the principal sources and reasons for this prevalent injustice is particularly welcome. As some of the analyses reveal, denying women their right to land acquisition or inheritance is sometimes contrary to established judicial precedents and even in total dissonance with the country’s constitution. Traditional and cultural shibboleths associated with land acquisition and ownership that tend to stymie women’s development and fulfilment, must be quickly shirked, for such retrograde excuses can no longer find comfort in the law, morality nor in modern« traditional thinking. The trend, albeit timid, of appointing women to Land Consultat ive Boards and even as traditional authorities, can only be salutary. These are some positive practical steps that can translate the notion of equal rights into equal power« over land for both sexes; otherwise equality« in this context will remain an unattractive slogan.
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