
Secrets, Silences and Betrayals

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  • Index

Ndi, Bill F.

Langaa RPCIG, 2015
Livrel 258p.
ISBN: 9789956762774
Secrets, Silences, and Betrayals is an invitation to readers to consider factoring in the often discarded or censored but useful information held by the dominated. The book’s principal claim is that the unsaid weighs in significantly on the scale of sema ntic construction as that which is said. Thus, it legitimates the impact of the absentee in broadening and clarifying knowledge and understanding in most disciplines. In other words, just as exogenous epistemologies have underlain and explicated the basis for understanding diverse encounterssocial, political, historical, cultural, literary, etc.Secrets, Silences, and Betrayals challenges, from a pluridisciplinary angle, such highly dominant approaches to investigating the origin, nature, ways of knowing , and limits of human knowledge. It thus yields to the deontological basis to critically reexamine our understanding of the world around us. It is in this regard that the present volume points towards the need for human history to become a cumulative recor d and re-recording of every human journey and endeavor in life; it brings together disparate voices illuminating topical issues that would be or have been legated to posterity as nonexistent, partial, or half-truths.
  • Dans le texte
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  • Index

