
The Expibasketics and Intrigues of Love

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Fossungu, Peter Ateh-Afac

Langaa RPCIG, 2016
Livrel 276p.
ISBN: 9789956764365
"Using expibasketical theory and findings, this book attempts to understand and explain some of the wonders of love and the impacts these have on the other human institutions (such as marriage and family) that are supposed to be erected on love and underst anding. Love is a phenomenon that is hard to correctly master, most probably because it is loaded with a lot of uncertainties. This simple fact must be the reason behind the commonplace saying that love is blind; a statement that can have several interpret ations, one of which being that it is hard to read or know exactly what is on the other party's mind. Love thus becomes not only an intriguing feeling but also potentially full of intrigues. Can love be so blind to realities and still be love? The book ans wers many of such queries by expanding and delineating the frontiers of love, and thence marriage and family."
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