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61 results for the term Sujet:"regional studies"
Harnessing Cultural Capital for Sustainability : A Pan Africanist Perspective
Mawere, Munyaradzi ; Awuah-Nyamekye, Samuel
Archives, Objects, Places and Landscapes : Multidisciplinary approaches to Decolonised Zimbabwean pasts
Manyanga, Munyaradzi ; Chirikure, Shadreck
African Virtues in the Pursuit of Conviviality : Exploring Local Solutions in Light of Global Prescriptions
Gebre,Yntiso ; Ohta, Itaru
Africa Through Structuration Theory : Outline of the FS (Fear and Self-scrutiny) Methodology of Ubuntu
Mboyo, Jean Pierre Elonga
Underdevelopment, Development and the Future of Africa
Mawere, Munyaradzi
Pan-Africanism: Political Philosophy and Socio-Economic Anthropology for African Liberation and Governance : Caribbean and African American Contributions
Kinni, Fongot Kini-Yen
Pan-Africanism: Political Philosophy and Socio-Economic Anthropology for African Liberation and Governance : Vol. 2
Kinni, Fongot Kini-Yen
Africa Through Structuration Theory- ntu
Mboyo, Jean Pierre Elonga
How Africa Developed Europe : Deconstructing the His-story of Africa, Excavating Untold Truth and What Ought to Be Done and Known
Mhango, Nkwazi Nkuzi
The African Conundrum : Rethinking the Trajectories of Historical, Cultural, Philosophical and Developmental Experiences of Africa
Mawere, Munyaradzi ; Mubaya, Tapuwa R.
Africa's Dependency Syndrome : Can Africa Still Turn Things around for the Better?
Mhango, Nkwazi Nkuzi
Africa Reunite or Perish
Mhango, Nkwazi Nkuzi
GMOs, Consumerism and the Global Politics of Biotechnology. Rethinking Food, Bodies and Identities in Africa's 21st Century : Rethinking Food, Bodies and Identities in Africa’s 21st Century
Mawere, Munyaradzi ; Nhemachena, Artwell
Colonial Heritage, Memory and Sustainability in Africa : Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects
Mawere, Munyaradzi ; Mubaya, Tapuwa R.
African Studies in the Academy : The Cornucopia of Theory, Praxis and Transformation in Africa?
Mawere, Munyaradzi ; Mubaya, Tapuwa R.
The Task of Today and Other Seminal Essays
Fonlon, Bernard Nsokika
The Postcolonial Turn : Re-Imagining Anthropology and Africa
Devisch, Rene ; Nyamnjoh, Francis B.
Re-thinking Development in Africa : An Oral History Approach from Botoku, Rural Ghana
Tsey, Komla
The Dialectics of Praxis and Theoria in African Philosophy : An Essay on Cultural Hermeneutics
Bin-Kapela, Victor B.
Ethnicity, Citizenship and State in Eastern Africa
Tarimo, Aquiline S.J.
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