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7 results for the term Espace:"Tanzania"
Pastoralism and Climate Change in East Africa
Yanda, Pius Zebhe ; Mung'ong'o, Claude Gasper
Increasing Production from the Land : A Source Book on Agriculture for Teachers and Students in East Africa
Coulson, Andrew ; Ellman, Antony
Accumulation in an African Periphery : A Theoretical Framework
Shivji, Issa G.
Out of Poverty : Comparative Poverty Reduction Strategies in Eastern and Southern Africa
Kessy, Flora Lucas ; Tostensen, Arne
Liberation and Technology : Development possibilities in pursuing technological autonomy
Sheikheldin, Gussai H.
Translating Growth into Poverty Reduction : Beyond the Numbers
Kessy, Flora ; Mashindano, Oswald
Kale ya Washairi wa Pemba : Kamange na Sarahani
Abdalla, Abdilatif
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