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55 results for the term Espace:"Tanzania"
Oil and Gas in Tanzania : How It All Started
Barongo, Sylvester
Joan Wicken
Jamhuri Ya Plato
Nyerere, Julius K.
Upepo, Mchanga, Anga : Hadithi Tatu
Aspects of Colonial Tanzania History
Mbogoni, Lawrence E.Y.
Son of Two Countries : The education of a refugee from nyarubuye
Rubagumya, Casmir M.
School Development Through Teacher Research : Lesson and Learning Studies in Sweden and Tanzania
Eriksson, Inger ; Osaki, Kalafunja Mlangía
Pastoralism and Climate Change in East Africa
Yanda, Pius Zebhe ; Mung'ong'o, Claude Gasper
Increasing Production from the Land : A Source Book on Agriculture for Teachers and Students in East Africa
Coulson, Andrew ; Ellman, Antony
Peter DM Bwimbo : Mlinzi Mkuu wa Mwalimu Nyerere
Bwimbo, Peter D.M.
Accumulation in an African Periphery : A Theoretical Framework
Shivji, Issa G.
Administrative Law in Tanzania
Chipeta, B. D.
A Handbook for Public Prosecutors
Chipeta, B. D.
A Contemporary Geography of Uganda
BakamaNume, Bakama B.
Rule of Law vs : Justice Barnabas Albert Samatta's Road To Justice
Shivji, Issa G. ; Majamba, Hamudi
Out of Poverty : Comparative Poverty Reduction Strategies in Eastern and Southern Africa
Kessy, Flora Lucas ; Tostensen, Arne
Shared Waters, Shared Opportunities : Hydropolitics in East Africa
Calas, Bernard ; Martinon, C.A. Mumma
From Goatherd to Governor : The Autobiography of Edwin Mtei
Mtei, Edwin
Land as a Human Right : A History of Land Law and Practice in Tanzania
Rwegasira, Abdon
Liberation and Technology : Development possibilities in pursuing technological autonomy
Sheikheldin, Gussai H.
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