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1053 results for the term de Classification: "Sciences humaines"
A ciencia ao Servico do Desenvolvimento? : Experiencias de paises africanos falantes de lingua oficial portuguesa
Silva, Teresa Cruze ; Casimiro, Isabel Maria
Building Bridges : Namibian Nationalists Clemens Kapuuo, Hosea Kutako, Brendan Simbwaye, Samuel Witbooi
Goldblatt, Israel
As Long as They Don't Bury Me Here : Social Relations of Poverty in a Namibian Shantytown
Tvedten, Inge
Gender and Colonialism
Rizzo, Lorena
The Global Financial and Economic Crisis in the South : Impact and Responses
Leon-Manriquez, Jose Luis ; Moyo, Theresa
Elections and Governance in Nigeria's Fourth Republic
Agbu, Osita
Research on Gender and Sexualities in Africa
Bennett, Jane ; Tamale, Sylvia
Children's Agency and Development in African Societies
Ofosu-Kus, Yaw
Gender, Politics and Land Use in Zimbabwe 1980- 2012
Mafa, Onias ; Gudhlanga, Enna S.
Issues in Ghana's Electoral Politics
Ninsin, Kwame A.
Political Economy of Post-apartheid South Africa
Gumede, Vusi
Global Exchanges and Gender Perspectives in Africa
Ouédraogo, Jean Bernard ; Achieng, Roseline M.
Business of Civil War : New Forms of Life in the Debris of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Kabamba, Patience
Values and Development in Southern Africa : Global and Transnational Engagements
Muller, Hans ; Mekgwe, Pinkie
Land and Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe : Beyond White-Settler Capitalism
Moyo, Sam ; Chambati, Walter
Gender and Citizenship in the Global Age : The Cases of Cameroon, South Africa, Eritrea and Zimbabwe
Amri, Laroussi ; Ramtohul, Ramola
The Place of Work in African Childhoods
Bourdillon, Michael ; Mutambwa, Georges M.
West Africa's Trouble Spots and the Imperative for Peace-Building
Agbu, Osita
The Economic and Social Impact of Privatisation of State-owned Enterprises in Africa
Obadan, Mike I.
The Study of Africa : Global and Transnational Engagements
Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe
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