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37 results for the term de Classification: "Sciences humaines"
Joan Wicken
Special Sexual Operations.Accounting for Resistance to the Colonial “Gift” of Homosexuality in Twenty-First Century Africa
Nhemachena, Artwell ; Mawere, Munyaradzi
Afisa Usalama Wa Taifa Ni Mtu Wa Aina Gani? Na Anafanya Nini?
Chahali, Evarist
Als Sachse zu den Chagga
Kiel, Christel ; Kiel, Arnold ; Salooja, Ravinder
Challenges for the Opposition and Democratisation in Tanzania
Ewald, Jonas ; Wohlgemuth, Lennart
Arming the Rebels for Development : Parental Involvement among Fishing Communities in Tanzania
Wabike, Paul
Towards a Bottom-up Approach for Localising SDGs in African Cities : Findings from Cairo and Dar es Salaam
Nagati, Omar ; Gad, Hanaa ; El-Didi, Amin Ali ; Kihila, Jacob M. ; Mbuya, Elinorata ; Njavike, Emmanuel
The Curse or Fertility of Land Clearing : How Migrant Labour Modified Gender-based Division of Labour in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania
Mnenuka, Angelus ; Ngullu, Nives Kinunda ; Mhajida, Samwel S.
The Journey of Wamba dia Wamba and the Struggles for Emancipatory Politics in Africa
Campbel, Horace G.
Aspects of Colonial Tanzania History
Mbogoni, Lawrence E.Y.
Son of Two Countries : The education of a refugee from nyarubuye
Rubagumya, Casmir M.
Pastoralism and Climate Change in East Africa
Yanda, Pius Zebhe ; Mung'ong'o, Claude Gasper
Peter DM Bwimbo : Mlinzi Mkuu wa Mwalimu Nyerere
Bwimbo, Peter D.M.
Accumulation in an African Periphery : A Theoretical Framework
Shivji, Issa G.
Rule of Law vs : Justice Barnabas Albert Samatta's Road To Justice
Shivji, Issa G. ; Majamba, Hamudi
Out of Poverty : Comparative Poverty Reduction Strategies in Eastern and Southern Africa
Kessy, Flora Lucas ; Tostensen, Arne
Shared Waters, Shared Opportunities : Hydropolitics in East Africa
Calas, Bernard ; Martinon, C.A. Mumma
From Goatherd to Governor : The Autobiography of Edwin Mtei
Mtei, Edwin
Liberation and Technology : Development possibilities in pursuing technological autonomy
Sheikheldin, Gussai H.
Songs and Politics in Eastern Africa
Njogu, Kimani ; Maupeu, Hervé
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