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16 results for the term de Classification: "Sciences humaines"
Introduction to African culture : General aspects
Sow, Alpha I. ; Balogun, Ola ; Aguessy, Honorat ; Diagne, Pathé
The reawakening of the Arab world : Challenge and change in the aftermath of the Arab spring
Amin, Samir
Obsolescent capitalism : contemporary politics and global disorder
Amin, Samir
The arab nation
Amin, Samir
Aid to Africa : Redeemer or Coloniser?
Abbas, Hakima ; Niyiragira, Yves
Neo-colonialism in west Africa
Amin, Samir
Three essays on Marx's value theory
Amin, Samir
Unequal development : An essay on the social formations of peripheral capitalism
Amin, Samir ; Pearce, Brian
Value and price Marx to day
Amin, Samir
Maldevelopment : Anatomy of a global failure
Amin, Samir
Transforming the revolution : Social movements and the world-system
Amin, Samir ; Arrighi, Giovanni ; Frank, Andre Gunder ; Wallerstein, Immanuel
Beyond US hegemony? : Assessing the prospects for a multipolar world
Amin, Samir
A life looking forward : Memoirs of an Independent Marxist
Amin, Samir
Global history : A view from the South
Amin, Samir
The world we wish to see : Revolutionary Objectives in the Twenty-First Century
Amin, Samir
Empire of chaos
Amin, Samir
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