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17 results for the term de Classification: "Politique"
Protest in South Africa
Brooks, Heidi ; Chikane, Rekgotsofetse
The Role of Intellectuals in the State-Society Nexus
A Just Transition to a Low Carbon Future in South Africa
Xaba, Nqobile ; Fakir, Saliem
The African Renaissance Project of Thabo Mbeki
Makgetlaneng, Sehlare
Future Realities of Coalition Governments in South Africa
Masina, Mzwandile
NATO's Failure in Libya: Lessons for Africa
Campbell, Horace
Rise and Decline and Rise of China, The : Searching for an Organising Philosophy
The African Union Ten Years After : Solving African Problems with Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance
Muchie, Mammo ; Lukhele-Olorunju, Phindile ; Akpor, Oghenerobor B.
Traditional Leaders in a Democracy : Resources, Respect and Resistance
Political Economy of Post-apartheid South Africa
Gumede, Vusi
Pretending Democracy : Israel, and Ethnocratic State
Jeenah, Na'eem
The PLO: Critical appraisals from the inside
Saleh, Mohsen Moh'd ; Jeenah, Na'eem
Perspectives on South Africa-China Relations at 15 Years
April, Funeka Yazini ; Shelton, Garth
Political Parties in South Africa : Do they Undermine or Underpin Democracy?
Thuynsma, Heather A.
Unite or Perish : Africa Fifty Years after the Founding of the OAU
Muchie, Mammo ; Gumede, Vusi
The Future We Chose : Emerging Perspectives on the Centenary of the ANC
Ngcaweni, Busani
South African Foreign Policy Review: Volume 1
Landsberg, Chris ; van Wyk, Jo-Ansie
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