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20 results for the term de Classification: "Economie"
Ex-Mineworkers and New Skills : Contradictory Perspectives of Stakeholders
Ngcwangu, Siphelo
Illicit Financial Flows in Southern Africa : Exploring Implications for Socio-economic Development
Gumede, Vusi
Mobile Money and the Human Economy : Towards Sustainable Livelihoods for Zimbabwean Migrants in South Africa
Mavodz, Emma
Africa’s Economic Transformation and Global Value Chains : An Analysis of the Platinum Value Chain in South Africa
Fotoyi, Asanda
Globalisation and Industrialisation in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) : Challenges and Opportunities
Moyo, Theresa
White Narratives: The depiction of post-2000 land invasions in Zimbabwe
Manase, Irikidzayi
Rendering South Africa Undesirable : A Critique of Refugee and Informal Sector Policy
Crush, Jonathan ; Skinner, Caroline
Open Data in Developing Economies : Toward Building an Evidence Base on What Works and How
Verhulst, Stefaan G.
The Social Dynamics of Open Data
van Schalkwyk, François ; Verhulst, Stefaan G
Knowledge for Justice : Critical Perspectives from Southern African-Nordic Research Partnerships
Halvorsen, Tor ; Ibsen, Hilde
Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Agencies in East Africa : Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
Social Accountability in Africa : Practioners' Experiences and Lessons
Claasen, Mario ; Alpín Lardiés, Carmen
Testing Democracy : Which Way is South Africa Going?
Misra-Dexter, Neeta ; February, Judith
Implementing the Public Finance Management Act in South Africa : How Far Are We?
Wildeman, Russell ; Jogo, Wellington
Transformation Audit 2011 : From Inequality to Inclusive Growth
Hofmeyr, Jan
Higher Education Financing in East and Southern Africa
Pillay, Pundy
Universities and Economic Development in Africa : Pact, academic core and coordination
Cloete, Nico ; Bailey, Tracy
Trading Places. Accessing land in African cities : Accessing land in African cities
Napier, Mark ; Berrisford, Stephen
Mapping the Invisible : The Informal Food Economy of Cape Town, South Africa
Battersby, Jane ; Marshak, Maya
The Future of Mining in South Africa : Sunset or Sunrise?
Valiani, Salimah
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