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7 results for the author: "Mamdani, Mahmood"
Understanding the Crisis in Kivu : Report of the CODESRIA mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo september, 1997
Mamdani, Mahmood
Saviors and survivors : Darfur, politics, and the war on terror
Mamdani, Mahmood
Uganda: Studies in labour
Mamdani, Mahmood
Scholars in the Marketplace : The Dilemmas of Neo-Liberal Reform at Makerere University, 1989-2005
Mamdani, Mahmood
Mouvements sociaux, mutations sociales et lutte pour la démocratie en Afrique
Mamdani, Mahmood ; Mkandawire, Thandika ; Wamba dia Wamba, Ernest
Conférences spéciales de la 10e Assemblée générale du CODESRIA, Kampala, 2002
Amin, Samir ; Mamdani, Mahmood ; Sow, Fatou
Liberté académique en Afrique
Diouf, Mamadou ; Mamdani, Mahmood
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