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692 résultats pour le Pays: "Sénégal"
The Concept of Human Rights in Africa
Shivji, Issa G.
Developing a Sustainable Economy in Cameroon
Amin, Aloysius Ajab
Évolution des systèmes fonciers au Mali : Cas du bassin cotonnier de Mali sud Zone office du Niger et région CMDT de Koutiala
Camara, Bakary
Privatisation and Private Higher Education in Kenya : Implications for Access, Equity and Knowledge Production
Oanda, Ibrahim Ogachi ; Chege, Fatuma N.
Indigenous Knowledge System and Intellectual Property Rights in the Twenty-First Century : Perspectives from Southern Africa
Mazonde, Isaac ; Pradip, Thomas
Post-War Regimes and State Reconstruction in Liberia and Sierra Leone
Sesay, Amadu ; Ukeje, Charles
Reforming the African Public Sector : Retrospect and Prospects
Ayee, Joseph R.A.
Rethinking Security in Nigeria : Conceptual Issues in the Quest for Social Order and National Integration
Adelugba, Dapo ; Ujomu, Philip Ogo
Scholars in the Marketplace : The Dilemmas of Neo-Liberal Reform at Makerere University, 1989-2005
Mamdani, Mahmood
Children and Youth in the Labour Process in Africa
Agbu, Osita
Challenges of Education Financing and Planning in Africa : What Works and What Does Not Work
Olukoshi, Adebayo ; Diarra, Mohamed Chérif
Gender, Sport and Development in Africa : Cross-cultural Perspectives on Patterns of Representations and Marginalization
Shehu, Jimoh
African Land Questions, Agrarian Transitions and the State : Contradictions of Neo-Liberal Land Reforms
Moyo, Sam
African Researchers and Decision-makers. Building Synergy for Development : Building Synergy for Development
Ndiaye, Abdoulaye
African Studies in Geography from Below
Arrous, Michel Ben ; Ki-Zerbo, Lazare
Academic Freedom and the Social Responsibilities of Academics in Tanzania
Chachage, Chachage Seithy L.
Challenges to Identifying and Managing Intangible Cultural Heritage in Mauritius, Zanzibar and Seychelles
Boswell, Rosabelle
Système de protection et d'incitation industrielle au Sénégal sous la Nouvelle politique industrielle
Fall, Babacar ; Touré, Amadou Ciré ; Lom, Aboubacry Demba ; Wade, Mohamed El Bachir
Les politiques industrielles et les incitations au Burkina Faso
Kaboré, Félix ; Koanda, Mady
Universités et libertés académiques en République Démocratique du Congo
Mangu, André Mbata Betukumesu ; Katumumonyi, Evariste Tshishimbi ; Epanya, Shamololo Tshun d'olela
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