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692 résultats pour le Pays: "Sénégal"
The dynamics of rural poverty : Case studies from a district in southern Ethiopia
Rahmato, Dessalegn
Kenya : The struggle for democracy
Murunga, Godwin R ; Nasong'o, Shadrack Wanjala
Ghana : One decade of the liberal state
Boafo-Arthur, Kwame
Saviors and survivors : Darfur, politics, and the war on terror
Mamdani, Mahmood
Higher Education Leadership and Governance in the Development of the Creative and Cultural Industries in Kenya
Akuno, Emily ; Ondieki, Donald Otoyo
The Ink of the Scholars : Reflections on Philosophy in Africa
Diagne, Souleymane Bachir
The Taming of Fate : Approaching Risk from a Social Action Perspective Case Studies from Southern Mozambique
Macamo, Elisio S.
A ciencia ao Servico do Desenvolvimento? : Experiencias de paises africanos falantes de lingua oficial portuguesa
Silva, Teresa Cruze ; Casimiro, Isabel Maria
Elections and Governance in Nigeria's Fourth Republic
Agbu, Osita
Research on Gender and Sexualities in Africa
Bennett, Jane ; Tamale, Sylvia
Peace, Security and Post-conflict Reconstruction in the Great Lakes Region of Africa
Lumumba-Kasongo, Tukumbi
The National Council for Higher Education and the Growth of the University Sub-sector in Uganda, 2002- 2012
Kasozi, A.B.K.
Children's Agency and Development in African Societies
Ofosu-Kus, Yaw
Trails in Academic and Administrative Leadership in Kenya
Michieka, Ratemo Waya
The Status of Student Involvement in University Governance in Kenya : The Case of Public and Private Universities
Mulinge, Munyae M. ; Arasa, Josephine N.
Civil Society and the Search for Development Alternatives in Cameroon
Vudo, Emmanuel Yenshu
Teacher Education Systems in Africa in the Digital Era
Adegoke, Bade ; Oni, Adesoji
Gender, Politics and Land Use in Zimbabwe 1980- 2012
Mafa, Onias ; Gudhlanga, Enna S.
Issues in Ghana's Electoral Politics
Ninsin, Kwame A.
The Crises of Postcoloniality in Africa
Omeje, Kenneth
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