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28 results for the term !Collection:"Religion"
The Life of Dr Wyson Moses Kauzobafa Jele
Bwalya, Kelly
God, People and Power in Malawi
Ross, C.
Faith at the Frontiers of Knowledge
Ross, Kenneth R.
Gospel Ferment in Malawi : Theological Essays
Ross, Kenneth R.
Soleils tordus : Récit paysan
Falémé, Djibril Diallo
Golden Buttons : Christianity and Tradition Religion among the Tumbuka
Msiska, Stephen Kauta
Religious Conversion: An African Perspective
Carmody, Brendan
The Blantyre Spiritual Awakening and its Music
Kawamba, Brighton
Jesus- The Man for others
Schofleld, Rodney
Issues of War
Schofield, Rodney
Lunjika SDA Mission in Northern Malawi 1932- 1995
Banda, Macleard
The Homosexuality Debate in Malawi
Mawerenga, Jones Hamburu
Interdenominational Faith Missions in Africa : History and Ecclesiology
Fiedler, Klaus
The Islamists : A Contextual History of Political Islam
Nafi, Basher M.
Des hommes autour du Serviteur de l'Envoyé : Aperçu biographique de disciples de Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba
Seye, Abdou
Vers une nouvelle masculinité au Maroc
Dialmy, Abdessamad
Religion, Occult and Youth Conflict in the Niger Delta of Nigeria
Anugwom, Edlyne E.
Voices of Preachers in Protest : The Ministry of Two Malawian Prophets: Elliot Kamwana and Wilfred Gudu
Chakanza, Joseph Chaphadzika
Revue Mosaïque no 016 : Revue panafricaine des sciences juridiques comparées
Poetic Encounter : Rhapsodies from the South
Aphane, Marota ; Mtapuri, Oliver
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