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444 results for the term !Collection:"History"
Guerrilla Incursions into the Capitalist Mindset
Durrani, Shiraz
Modernisation of Luganda Terminology in the Field of Linguistics
Namyalo, Saudah
Growth Growth Growth
Cobbing, Julian
Potentialising a Traditional Peacebuilding System : Towards Resolving Land Disputes in African Communities
Lamidi, Kazeem Oyedele
Basel Mission Education in Cameroon
Gwanfogbe, Mathew B.
A Struggle of sixty-two days
Durrani Shiraz
Exploring Economic Reintegration in Namibia
Mazarire, Tichaona
The Southern Sudan
The Dark Road from Romarong
Wilfred,Kanu Jr.
Hip Hop Kru Zade
Kanu, Jr. Wilfred
God's Feet
Milk, Hans-Martin
Art and Museum in Africa : A decolonial perspective
Effiboley, Emery
The Dutch Reformed Women's Missionary Movement from the Cape and the Mt Holyoke Connection
Dana, Robert
Hunters among Farmers
Takada, Akira ; Sekwati, Lesego
From Northern Rhodesia to Zambia
Bond, Mick
In Search of Harmony
Nyamndi, Fondi
Catholics, Peasants, and Chewa Resistance in Nyasaland 1889-1939
Linden, Ian ; Linden, Jane
Women Journalists in Namibia's Liberation Struggle Women 1985-1990
Nghidinwa, Mboono
Traders and Trade in Colonial Ovamboland, 1925-1990
Dobler, Gregor
Postkoloniale Gegenbilder : Künstlerische Reflexionen des Erinnerns an den deutschen Kolonialismus in Namibia
Lehmann, Fabian
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