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444 results for the term !Collection:"History"
Bulozi under the Luyana Kings
Mainga, Mutumba
Healing the Wound : Personal Narratives about the 2007 Post-Election Violence in Kenya
Njogu, Kimani
Une jeune femme sur un bateau ivre : Agathe Uwilingiyimana du Rwanda
Butare, Innocent
Von Schelmen und Tatorten Von Literatur und Sprache : Festschrift für Hans-Volker Gretschel
Zappen-Thomson, Marianne ; Tesmer, Gertrud
Breweries, Politics and Identity
van der, Tycho
Beyond Tenderpreneurship
Missions as the Theology of the Church : An Argument from Malawi
Klaus, Fiedler
The Gender Politics of the Namibian Liberation Struggle
Akawa, Martha
Burns, Loretta
Soul On Sale
Mhango, Nkwazi Nkuzi
Whether Losing, Whether Winning : Essays in Political Realism
Nyamndi, G. D.
Counter Discourse in African Literature
Ce, Chin ; Smith, Charles
There Was Another Country
Forje, W.
Labour Law in Zimbabwe : Reconciling Business and Development
Madhuku, Lovemore
The Inevitable Pipeline into Exile
Muller, Alexander
Building Bridges : Namibian Nationalists Clemens Kapuuo, Hosea Kutako, Brendan Simbwaye, Samuel Witbooi
Goldblatt, Israel
Memory is the Weapon
Mattera, Don
Is Every Cab Driver Called Roger?
Chaieb, Mounira
Intwasa Poetry
Morris, Jane
Value and price Marx to day
Amin, Samir
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