
Men of Double Shadows

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Nwogu, Wellington

(DRAMA / General)
ISBN: 9789786097916
"The degree of clarity and disposition of the playwright is commendable. The play Men of Double Shadows by design ventilates the cruel nature of man in a changing world... This is a promising literary piece." - Okon, Sunny Akpan, Lecturer, Akwa-Ibom State. "Men of Double Shadows teaches what happens when a society remains aloof to evil men. It took a young Christian to bring the reign of OKUNAMP| and his two friends to an end. It is a lesson in contemporary Nigeria that the just should resist the evil wherever and whenever they appear." -Nze Okechukwu Uwaekweikpe, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, Zenith Newspaper, Umuahia. "It is beautiful to see Wellington Nwogu's passion for the theatre translated into script, with a theme worth more than a cursory attention. -Prof. Kontein Trinya, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt. "This 'little' treatise is a pad that will launch Wellington to the sky of the literary world. My prayer is that he does not allow his pen to dry for whatever reason. A new giant is born!" - The Rev'd. Canon Chuka Opara, Director, Federal Ministry of Information, Rtd.
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