
A Cat and Mouse Affair

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Shora, Bruno

Livrel 104p.
(Business & Economics)
ISBN: 9781779065223
Clashes between vendors and authorities have become a common feature of Zimbabwe society. Though vending brings some undesirable effects such as chaotic and disorderly business practices it is noted that vending has a particular role to play in times of high unemployment. The relationship between vendors and the local authorities is reminiscent of a “cat and mouse affair”; high costs are incurred in carrying out the fights, property at times is destroyed, there are injuries and in some rare cases fatalities and arrests are made. This book offers practical solutions and way in which vending can be organised, systematic and much to the economic benefit of society. With cases examined from all over the word, entrepreneurs, the policy maker, the civic society and students will find this book useful. Its contribution adds much value towards formulating sustainable methods in transforming Zimbabwe’s economy and society.
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