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Choisir une bibliothéque

Système & liberté dans la philosophie négro-africaine moderne

Système comptable OHADA - La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée

Système de protection et d'incitation industrielle au Sénégal sous la Nouvelle politique industrielle

Systemic School Improvement Interventions in South Africa


Takou le singe blagueur

Takumbeng and Other Poems from Abakwa

Tale of an African Woman

Talking Tales

Taming My Elephant

Tanzania in Transition

Targeting Practices and Biases in Social Cash Transfers

Tax and Development: Solving Kenya's Fiscal Crisis through Human Rights

Tax Reform, Tax Compliance and State-building in Tanzania and Uganda

Tchad Notre bel enfer

Teacher Education

Teacher Education Systems in Africa in the Digital Era

Teaching and Learning in Context

Team Trinity

Tears of the Earth

Tébessa à travers les âges

Technologies de l'information et de la communication pour le développement en Afrique

Technologies de l'information et de la communication pour le développement en Afrique

Technologies de l'information et de la communication pour le développement en Afrique

Technology Driven Curriculum for 21st Century Higher Education Students in Africa

Téléphonie et mobilité au Mali

Tell Me Friends

Tendances et processus nouveaux dans l’Afrique du XIXe siècle

Terra Incognita

Terrains revisités en migrations africaines

Terre aimée Algérie

Terre des femmes

Terre pourpre

Terres mêlées Ismée ou les oiseaux de lumière Hasta siempre

Territoire et déterritorialisation des communautés locales

Territoire et développement au Cameroun

Territoires insoumis

Terrorist Groups in Africa

Testament of a Woman Refugee

Testing Democracy


Thandika Mkandawire’s Model for an African Developmental State

That Kind of Door

The 'Glocalization' of Mobile Telephony in West and Central Africa

The (Re)making of bodies and enforcement of masculinities

The Absurd and the Cameroonian Tragedy at Decolonization

The Accidental Public Servant


The African Conundrum

The African Diaspora in Times of Covid-19

The African Renaissance Project of Thabo Mbeki

The African Union Ten Years After

The Aftermath of the Cassinga Massacre

The Airport Geography of Power as Site and Limit of NEPAD’s Transnational African Assemblage

The Akroma File

The Anglophone Cameroon Predicament

The Anglophone Literary-Linguistic Continuum

The Anglophone Literary-Linguistic Continuum

The arab economy today

The arab nation

The Atlas of Retinal Diseases in Nigerians

The Attribute of Poetry

The Autobiography of an Orange Seller

The Bad Samaritan

The Bafaw Language

The Barn

The Battle of Destiny

The Bavino Sermons

The Beauty I Have Seen

The Bed Book of Short Stories

The Betrayed Town and Other Poems

The Bible and African Culture

The Bible and the Public Square

The Big Noise and Other Noises

The Bird Boy's Song

The Blantyre Spiritual Awakening and its Music

The Bleeding Heart and Other Poems

The Blue Economy Handbook of the Indian Ocean Region

The Boy Who Loved Camping

The Call of Blood

The Cameroon Condition

The Cameroon GCE Crisis

The Cameroon-Nigeria Border Dispute

The Cameroonian Novel of English Expression

The Campaign Trail

The Case for a Modest Assessment of the International Criminal Justice Processes

The Caves of Nazimbuli

The Challenge of African Potentials

The Challenge of Drug Trafficking to Democratic Governance and Human Security in West Africa

The Chameleon House

The Changing Faces of Aawambo Musical Arts

The Chiwaya War

The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian 1924-2024


The City Heroes

The Civil Society Guide to Regional Economic Communities in Africa

The Clash of the Titans and Other Short Stories

The Color of the Skin doesn't Matter

The Colours of our Flag

The Concept of Botho and HIV/AIDS in Botswana


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