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Choisir une bibliothéque

Challenges for the Democratisation Process in Tanzania

Challenges for the Opposition and Democratisation in Tanzania

Challenges of Education Financing and Planning in Africa

Challenges of Regulating Financial Service Provision in Cameroon in the Digital Age and a Globalised World

Challenges of the Devolved Health Sector in Kenya

Challenges to Identifying and Managing Intangible Cultural Heritage in Mauritius, Zanzibar and Seychelles

Change Management in TVET Colleges

Changement politique et social

Changements écologiques à l'échelle du globe : Programme de recherche pour l'Afrique

Changing Regimes and Educational Development in Cameroon

Changing the Culture of Migration?

Changing Trends in Mental Health Care and Research in Ghana

Chansons populaires bamiléké suivies de Déchirements


Chants & clameurs

Chants d'ombre suivis de Hosties noires

Chants pour un retour au pays natal

Charbon de bois

Charte africaine de l'entrepreneuriat social

Chasing The Leopard Finding the Lion

Châtiments névrotiques

Cheche: Reminiscences of a Radical Magazine

Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba

Chercheurs et décideurs d'Afrique

Cherchez d’abord le royaume politique…

Chez Tanty


Child Domestic Workers in Zimbabwe

Child of Earth

Children and Youth in Africa

Children and Youth in the Labour Process in Africa

Children's Agency and Development in African Societies

Children's Picture Atlas of Africa

Children’s Experiences of Support Received from Men in Rural KwaZulu-Natal

China and Africa

China in West Africa’s Regional Development and Security Plans

Chinua Achebe's Legacy

Chioniso and Other Stories

Chipo The Little Farmer

Chitungwiza Mushamukuru

Choosing Heaven


Christianity and Social Change in Contemporary Africa: Volume One

Christianity in Malawi: A Source Book

Christians in Active Politics


Chronic Non-communicable Diseases in Ghana

Chroniques de l'ombre

Chroniques de Mvoutessi 1

Chroniques de Mvoutessi 2

Chronologie de l’actualité de l’Afrique des années 90

Church Planting and Discipleship

Church, Law and Political Transition in Malawi 1992-1994


CIMA - Recueil de droit des assurances

Cinéma et guerre de libération

Circuit fermé

Circus Ethiopia

Ciselures sur nuits d'écume

Citizen of Zimbabwe.

Citizen Participation in Decision Making

Citizenship in Motion

Citizenship Law in Africa

Citizenship Law in Africa

City Murders

Civil society and the search for development alternatives in Cameroon

Civil Society and the Search for Development Alternatives in Cameroon

Civil society and the search for development alternatives in Cameroon

Claiming Agency

Clameurs orientales

Class and nation

Classe et nation

Classical Theorists in the Social Sciences

Claude E Ake: The making of an organic intellectual

Claude E. Ake and the Praxis of Knowledge Production in Africa

Climate Change and the Management of Natural Systems in Cameroon

Closing the Books

Coalition, dispersion

Code de la nationalité sénégalaise

Code des Marchés Publics

Code minier du Sénégal

CODESRIA’s contribution to Africa development

Coeur de femmes

Coffee Time

Coils of Mortal Flesh

Collaboration in Development

Collaborative Conversations

Collaborative Governance in Extractive Industries in Africa

Collected Plays: 2009 - 2017

Collected Poems

Collected Poems


Colonial Heritage, Memory and Sustainability in Africa

Coloniality of Power in Postcolonial Africa

Combating Illicit Financial Flows from Africa’s Extractive Industries and Implications for Good Governance

Combats pour le Sens: Un Itinéraire Africain

Coming of Age

Comme c'est beau la nuit une mer déchaînée

Commencer dans le noir

Comment aimer son visage


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