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Hunters among Farmers

Husband Consultant

Husbands in Wives’ Shoes

Hydraulique et assainissement au Sénégal

I am an African

I am Nala

I Spit on their Graves

I Threw a Star in a Wine Glass

Ice Cream Headache in my Bone

Ici commence ici

ICT and Changing Mindsets in Education

Identité, citoyenneté et souveraineté

Idéologie politique et conflit en Côte d'Ivoire

Idriss Deby Itno

Idriss Deby Itno

If You Must Fall Bush

Igalelo likaMaJobe

Igilango Geesi in the Public Sphere: Soyinka’s Intervention in Nigerian Political Discourse


Igula Lolwazi

Ikasi and other plays

Il faisait nuit à Somorria

Il n'y a pas de crocodiles à Cocody

Illicit Capital Flows and Money Laundering in Botswana

Illicit Financial Flows in Southern Africa

Illusion de la femme africaine à Paris

Ilorin O Poetry of Praise

Îlots de tendresse

Ils ont mangé mon fils

Imaginary Crimes

Imitation Whiteman

Immigration, interstice d’une intégration consolidée en zone CEMAC?

Impact de la réforme de la politique commerciale au Cameroun : recettes publique et performance économique

Impact des incitations économiques sur la pêche au Cameroun 

Impact Pathways of Weather Information for Smallholder Farmers

Impératifs africains dans le nouvel ordre du commerce mondial

Imperfect journey, imperfect cinema

Imperialism and unequal development

Impérialisme et sous-développement en Afrique

Imperialistic Politics in Cameroun

Implementing the Public Finance Management Act in South Africa

Imvelaphi Yobuntu

In A Predicament All My Life

In Chains for My Country

In Defence of Press Freedom in Africa

In Our Own Tongues

In Pursuit of an African Traditional Dance

In Pursuit of Freedom and Justice: A Memoir

In Pursuit of Peace in Africa

In Search of Happiness

In Search of Harmony

In Search of Living Knowledge

In Search of Protection

In Tangier We Killed the Blue Parrot

In The Color Of My Skin: Poems

In the Continuum and other plays

In the Heat of Africa's Underdevelopment

In the Heat of Shadows

In the Linguistic Paradise

In the Shadow of a Conflict

In the Shadow of my Country

In the Shadow of the Springs I Saw

In the Twilight of the Revolution

Inclusive Development In AfrIca

Inclusive Education in Low, Income Countries


Increasing Production from the Land

Indian Africa: Minorities of Indian-Pakistani Origin in Eastern Africa

Indicateurs d'incitation dans l'industrie textile au Mali

Indicile Rwanda

Indigenous Heritage in African Literature

Indigenous Knowledge of Namibia

Indigenous Knowledge System and Intellectual Property Rights in the Twenty-First Century

Indigenous Shona Philosophy

Individuals, Conglomerates, Persons, and Communities

Industrial and Development Economics

Industrialisation, mineral resources and energy in Africa

Industrialisation, ressources minières et énergie en Afrique

Inequality and Climate Change


Inflation normative et état de droit en Afrique

Influence of Socioeconomic Activities on House Form and Settlement Patterns

Informal Entrepreneurship and Cross-Border Trade between Zimbabwe and South Africa

Informal Entrepreneurship and Cross-Border Trade in Maputo, Mozambique

Informal Migrant Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Growth in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique

Infrastructures of Migrant Labour in Colonial Ovamboland, 1915 to 1954

Ingane Yamalungelo

Inhabiting Love

Inique calice

Initiating Sustainable Urban Development through Community-driven Regularization

Initiation au management opérationnel des ressources humaines dans les organisations

Initiatives et résistances africaines en afrique occidentale de 1880 à 1914

Innovating University Education

Inside the Higher Education Space

Insights into Uganda

Insomnie rebelle

Institutional Design and the implementation of the African Peace Security Architecture in Eastern Africa

Institutionalising Gender-based Violence within African Democracies

Intégration et Partenariat en Afrique : De l'UEMOA au NEPAD


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