
Peace of the Senses

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Mwanaka, Tendai

Livrel 118p.
ISBN: 9781779331625
Peace of the Senses: How to Fight the FAGS is a collection of interlinked photographs that dealswith the human story in several existential perspectives, especially how we find joy and happiness in difficult circumstances in life. Thus the images in this book celebrate human life, makes funny of difficult situations we go through. There is an element of the comedian in the photos, and it sometimes would create huge howls of laughter, sometimes chuckles and smiles. We go with the adage laughter is the best medicine in this work, and I believe this creates the peace of the senses, as the title presupposes. A set of common themes and philosophical questions permeates the book, bringing the narrative together as an authors self-interrogation through invented others. Detecting the thematic threads whilst paying attention to the differences requires one to experience the book both horizontally and vertically, following a narrative that seems as much widening as deepening.
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