
Política e Democracia na Guiné-Bissau pós-colonial

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Sucuma, Arnaldo

CODESRIA en partenariat avec NENA,
Revue Africa Development / Afrique et développement
Volume XLVI,
No. 2, 2022
Article 33p.
This study aims to analyze the political determinations that interfere with democratic stability in Guinea-Bissau. The work fits in the field of political sociology, addresses the connection between political relations within the structures of the State and the democratic process. It seeks to understand the impact of these relations on the process of socioeconomic and political development of the country, especially in the period after the colonial independence, having as its theoretical reference the post-colonial thought, applied to the political processes of African countries. This research used the qualitative method, accompanied by semi-structured interviews conducted in Guinea-Bissau with key informants and documentary research based on official documents from the Guinean government. The result was that there were several determinants that influenced in the various phases of the country’s political life. The weak affirmation of the normal procedures of a democracy, which includes disputes over political power aiming to control the state apparatus, economic crisis, problems of poverty, coups d’état led by military with participation of politicians, leading to the current situation, of constant instability and institutional precariousness.
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