(RELIGION / General)
ISBN: 9789996080265
Some people are convinced by many things that are less important in their lives. These things are short term and they come to an end. In this book I have written that people should be convinced by God. To be convinced by God is to believe that He is our Lord and Savior. It is to believe deep down our hearts that nothing is important than Him. It is to believe that God has authority over our lives. It is to choose eternal life. It is to have peace even when you face challenges. The list is endless. Indeed, God is the most powerful. There is no other savior but God alone. Therefore, serve him always. There are many people in the Bible who were convinced by God. They served the Lord by sacrificing their lives in all situations. I will discuss few of them. Wanthu wanandi chomene wali kukhorwa na vinthu vinandi vyambula kuwovwila pa umoyo wawo, vinthu ivyo wanthu wanandi wakukhorwa navyo, nvya kanyengo kachoko chomene ndipo vikumala. Buku ili likulongosola na zakukhorwa na chiuta. Munthu para wakhorwa na chiuta nanga wangasangana na suzgo uku uli, Chiuta wakutaska. Pachifukwa ichi, kukhorwa na Chiuta ntchakuzirwa kuluska kukhorwa na vinthu vya mu charu.