(PHILOSOPHY / General)
ISBN: 9789987085248
Jamhuri is the only Swahili translation of the famous book The Republic by Plato, made by the Father of the Nation, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere. This is his last literary work, and it has now been published for the first time 25 years after his death. In this translation, Mwalimu presents Plato's ideas about the ideal society and justice, while reflecting his personal vision about leadership and the future of the nation. Jamhuri will take you on a journey of thought, where Socrates and his colleagues analyze justice, governance systems, and the role of education in building a better society. Using the story of a society ruled by wise leaders, Plato emphasizes the importance of knowledge, morality, and equality. This interpretation of Mwalimu Nyerere stimulates the discussion of justice, good governance, and ethics in today's world. It is an invitation to re-examine our social and political systems with a new and hopeful perspective. This is the last book of Mwalimu Nyerere and his legacy of ideas for future generations. JamHurI ni tafsiri pekee kiswahili ya kitabu maarufu cha The Republic cha Plato, iliyofanywa na Baba wa Taifa, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere. Hii ndiyo kazi yake ya mwisho ya kifasihi, na sasa imetolewa kwa mara ya kwanza miaka 25 baada ya kifo chake. Katika tafsiri hii, Mwalimu anawasilisha mawazo ya Plato kuhusu jamii bora na haki, huku akiakisi maono yake binafsi kuhusu uongozi na mustakabali wa taifa. JaMHUrI itakupeleka katika safari ya fikra, ambapo Sokrates na wenzake wanachambua haki, mifumo ya utawala, na nafasi ya elimu katika kujenga jamii iliyo bora. Kwa kutumia hadithi ya jamii inayotawaliwa na viongozi wenye hekima, Plato anasisitiza umuhimu wa maarifa, maadili, na usawa. Tafsiri hii ya Mwalimu Nyerere inachochea mjadala wa haki, utawala bora, na maadili katika dunia ya leo. Ni mwaliko wa kuchunguza upya mifumo yetu ya kijamii na kisiasa kwa mtazamo mpya na wa matumaini. Hiki ndicho kitabu cha mwisho cha Mwalimu Nyerere na urithi wake wa mawazo kwa vizazi vijavyo. Haya sasa kazi kwako! Kinunue, kisome, na kihifadhi ili kiwe urithi kwa kizazi chako pia. Translated by: Julius K. Nyerere