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Choisir une bibliothéque

The Concept of Human Rights in Africa

The Concept of Innovation and the South African Nation

The Convert

The Country Boy

The Country Boy

The Cowrie Necklace

The Crabs of Bangui

The Crises of Postcoloniality in Africa

The Cry of the Hangkaka

The Curse or Fertility of Land Clearing

The Dark Road from Romarong

The day and the dweller

The Dead Came Calling

The Death of Asobo-Ntsi

The Delusion of Knowledge Transfer

The Design of Micro Credit Contracts and Micro Enterprise Finance in Uganda

The desirable future of Humanity AFRICA

The Detectives of Shangani

The Devil's Hill

The Dialectics of Praxis and Theoria in African Philosophy

The Discursive Dynamics of Action-Research and Zimbabwean San People’s Production of Audio-Visual Stories

The Disillusioned African

The Dreamer and the Oracle

The Dutch Reformed Women's Missionary Movement from the Cape and the Mt Holyoke Connection

The Dynamics and Contradictions of Evangelisation in Africa

The dynamics of rural poverty

The Earth Fights Back

The Earth in Peril

The Earth Mother

The East African Tax System

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission in Nigeria

The Economic and Social Impact of Privatisation of State-owned Enterprises in Africa

The Economic Situation in Contemporary Africa

The Egg Polisher and Other Tales

The emerging architecture of a regional security complex in the Lake Chad Basin

The End of an Era? Robert Mugabe and a Conflicting Legacy

The English Speaking Mbos of Cameroon

The Epistle of Udume

The Evolution of Accountancy to Accountability

The Evolving Structure of South Africa’s Economy

The Expibasketics and Intrigues of Love

The Famous Friends

The Feasibility of the Democratic Developmental State in the South

The Food Insecurities of Zimbabwean Migrants in Urban South Africa

The Food Security Concept

The Food Security, Employment and Migration Nexus in Zimbabwe Post-Land Reform

The Forest: An African Traditional Definition

The Fourth Masquerade

The Future of Africa

The future of Maoism

The Future of Mining in South Africa

The Future of Scholarly Publishing

The future of socialism

The Future We Chose

The Gathering Storm

The Gender Politics of the Namibian Liberation Struggle

The gendered and commodified female body in contemporary Nigerian fiction

The General Elections in Kenya, 2007

The Global Economic Crisis and the Africa Rising Narrative

The Global Financial and Economic Crisis in the South

The global financial and economic crisis in the south

The Gods Sleep Through It All

The Golden Age of Southern Cameroons

The Gospel Sounds Like the Witch's Spell

The Green Building Evolution

The Green Cross of Kafira

The Hard Road to Reform

The Heart of Jacob

The High Flier and Other Stories

The Hill Barbers

The HISOFE Dictionary of Midnight Politics

The Homosexuality Debate in Malawi

The House of Falling Women

The ICC, International Criminal Justice and International Politics

The Impact of Agricultural Extension Service on the Uptake of Various Agricultural Technologies in Ethiopia

The Impact of Non-formal Education on Skills and Knowledge of Community Development Workers

The Impact of Short Message Services (SMS) Weather Forecasts on Cost

The Impact of Structural Violence on Women’s Capacity to Fully Participate

The implosion of contemporary capitalism

The incredible beat of my heart

The Inevitable Pipeline into Exile

The Ink of the Scholars

The interface of agrarian structure, agricultural technology, reform and the problem of distribution and accumulation in ethiopian agriculture (1966-1980)

The Interpreters: Ritual, Violence, and Social Regeneration in the Writing of Wole Soyinka

The Islamists

The Journey of Wamba dia Wamba and the Struggles for Emancipatory Politics in Africa

The Jungle Ants

The Jungle Ants

The Jurisprudence on Regional and International Tribunals Digest

The Justice versus Reconciliation Dichotomy in the Struggle Against Gross Human Rights Violations

The Kenya Socialist Vol 3

The Kenya Socialist Volume 7

The King's Wages

The Lady with the Sting

The Last Hope

The Last Of The Virgins

The Last to Leave

The Law of Pre-Trial Criminal Procedure in Namibia

The law of worldwide value

The Liberal Peace Security Regimen


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